Best Yoga Postures For Weight reduction That Will Really Work

  Yoga To Get Back In best Shape  

Given here are the successful yoga asanas for each body part:

A. For Facial Fat
B. For The Arms
C. For The Shoulders And Upper Back
D. For The Midriff
E. For The Thighs
F. For Calf Muscles/ Hamstrings
G. For The Hip

A. For Facial Fat (Approx. 2 minutes)

1. Jalandhara Bandha

How It Functions

This situated posture for breath work is a phenomenal method for extending and tone the muscles encompassing the neck area. As you press your jawline against your chest, you work the muscles on your jaw too. The maintenance of breath likewise detoxifies your lungs and further develop breath.

Safety measures

On the off chance that you have any breathing issues, do this bandha under the oversight of a guaranteed yoga educator. Hold your breath in the event that you experience the ill effects of hypertension or coronary illness.

B. For The Arms (Approx. 5-6 minutes)
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Otherwise called - Descending Canine Posture

How It Functions

The Adho Mukha Svanasana is a weight-bearing posture. You really want to situate the chest area on your hands. It is an amazing method for conditioning your arms and biceps.


Try not to do this asana assuming you experience the ill effects of carpal passage disorder.

3. Chaturanga Dandasana

Otherwise called - Four-Limbed Staff Posture, Low Board Posture

How It Functions

This posture expects you to remain off the ground by supporting the body on all fours the center flawless. It conditions your arms as well as reinforces and conditions your biceps and rear arm muscles.

Safety measures

Try not to endeavor this on the off chance that you have a shoulder or hip injury. Work with a guaranteed yoga educator who can assist you with varieties.

4. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Otherwise called - Dolphin Posture

How It Functions

Your arms become the base for adjusting the whole chest area while you attempt to remain above water. This asana reinforces and tone the biceps, rear arm muscles, and arms.

Precautionary measures

A basic asana should be possible by everybody. Nonetheless, you should be cautious assuming that you have neck or shoulder wounds.

5. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Otherwise called - Up Confronting Canine Posture

How It Functions

This asana includes extending the arm muscles and adjusting the body weight. It is a strong and productive approach to conditioning your arms, biceps, and rear arm muscles.

Precautionary measures

It is ideal to stay away from this asana in the event that you are pregnant or have wrist wounds.

C. For The Shoulders And Upper Back (Approx. 4-6 minutes)
6. Bharadvajasana

Otherwise called - Situated Bend Posture

How It Functions

The asana includes a profound turn and is a go-between level represent that anybody can undoubtedly dominate with training. It works on the normal adaptability of your chest area, further develops absorption, and builds shoulders' adaptability.

Safety measures

Be cautious assuming you generally disapprove of the knees, hips, or spine.

7. Ardha Matsyendrasana

How It Functions

This posture expects you to move your shoulder, neck, and spine as one. The extraordinary curve (each side in turn) helps in conditioning the sides, the chest area, as well as the stomach muscles.

Precautionary measures

Be cautious in the event that you dislike the back or spine.

D. For The Waist (Approx. 5-7 minutes)
8. Navasana

Otherwise called - Boat Posture

How It Functions

Consider a see-saw or a boat when you consider this asana. It works similarly, and the midsection turns into the base for adjusting the body. Assuming you experience difficulty losing that obstinate gut fat, here is something that will give you noticeable outcomes. With a touch of training, you are well headed to accomplish conditioned abs.


Try not to do this asana on the off chance that you are experiencing a sleeping disorder, hernia or spinal wounds.

9. Matsyasana

Otherwise called - Fish Posture

How It Functions

Everything revolves around extending your lower body (and organs) like the thighs, digestion tracts, hips, and stomach muscles.

Precautionary measures

It is ideal to stay away from this asana assuming you have pulse, hernia, or headache.

10. Anantasana

Otherwise called - Vishnu's Love seat Posture

How It Functions

This posture tones and firms the abs. The center movements to both the sides of the body while you stretch. This asana further develops blood course and processing.


In the event that you experience an uneasiness or firmness in the neck or hips, counsel your PCP prior to doing this asana.

11. Bhujangasana

Otherwise called - Cobra Posture

How It Functions

A urgent posture in the Surya Namaskar, this is a rich asana that deals with your chest area. . It gives the stomach muscles an established stretch.


Try not to endeavor this asana on the off chance that you are pregnant or experience the ill effects of a hernia.

E. For The Thighs (Approx. 6-8 minutes)
12. Baddha Konasana

Otherwise called - Shoemaker Posture

How It Functions

The Shoemaker Posture chips away at the inward and external thighs. A fascinating variety of this posture is to ripple the legs like a butterfly - a justification for why it is likewise called the Butterfly Posture. It is simple, clear, and loosens up your lower body.


Try not to do this assuming you have knee wounds.

13. Malasana

Otherwise called - Laurel Posture

How It Functions

A stance that counters the impacts of sitting the entire day and gathering fat in the lower part of the body. It extends the thighs, crotch, and hip muscles. It further develops adaptability and tones the internal/external thigh locale.

Precautionary measures

Stay away from this asana assuming that you experience the ill effects of knee or hip agony.

14. Anjaneyasana

Otherwise called - Sickle Posture

How It Functions

This posture is about the rush - it extends the legs, hamstrings, and thighs, subsequently helping in conditioning the muscles from the hips to the lower legs. It discharges pressure and gives you incredible adaptability.

Safety measures

Assuming that you have knee wounds or heart issues, you probably won't rehearse this asana.

15. Ardha Bhekasana

Otherwise called - Half Frog Posture

How It Functions

The Half Frog Posture is quite possibly of the most difficult posture, yet it gives you noteworthy outcomes. It extends and fortifies the hips, quadriceps, and the hamstring muscles. You will feel invigorated as it animates blood course.

Safety measures

It is ideal to keep away from this asana assuming that you have neck, shoulder or lower back torment.

F. For The Lower leg Muscles/Hamstrings (Approx 5 - 7 mins)
16. Padangusthasana

Otherwise called - Enormous Toe Posture

How It Functions

A represent that completely extends the hamstrings and tones the lower leg muscles. It reinforces your thighs, legs, and back while invigorating the working of the kidneys and liver.

Safety measures

It is perhaps of the most essential posture and should be possible by anybody. Nonetheless, for fledglings, it could take some time before they can completely curve and stretch.

17. Parsvottanasana

Otherwise called - Pyramid Posture

How It Functions

It is likewise called the Serious Side Stretch Posture as it includes profound extending of both the sides of the body. It reinforces the quads, lower leg muscles, and hamstrings as you reach out into the last stance. A simple method for conditioning and reinforce your legs.


This posture isn't fitting for pregnant ladies and anybody with hamstring issues.

18. Virabhadrasana 2

Otherwise called - Champion 2 Posture

How It Functions

The Champion 2 Posture is a reviving represent that assists you with building endurance while extending every one of the muscles underneath your hips. It is the second level of the Hero Represent that accompanies a ton of advantages separated from simply conditioning and fortifying your legs. It alleviates sciatica like enchantment.


Stay away from this asana assuming you have constant knee torment, joint inflammation, hypertension or looseness of the bowels.

19. Upavistha Konasana

Otherwise called - Wide Point Situated Curve Posture

How It Functions

Think about it like doing a 'split' while moving, with the exception of this is situated. The profound stretch deliveries the strain in your middle and hip muscles and tones the hips.

Precautionary measures

This is a high level represent that has no expected dangers. In any case, utilize a delicate pad or cover under your middle in the event that you have lower back torment.

G. For The Hips (Approx. 5-6 minutes)
20. Garudasana

Otherwise called - Hawk Posture

How It Functions

The Hawk Posture is a tangled represent that connects with your thighs, legs, and arms while pushing the middle external the body. The difficult exercise assists you with tracking down solidness and, simultaneously, fortifies your center and hip muscles.

Precautionary measures

Stay away from this asana assuming that you have knee, shoulder, or lower leg torment.

21. Ananda Balasana

Otherwise called - Blissful Child Posture

How It Functions

This one is an extraordinary posture as it extends the whole lower part of your body. The attention is on the hip bone as it goes opposite to the floor. The inward thighs, crotch, and hamstrings are likewise conditioned and fortified all the while.

Precautionary measures

Stay away from this posture in the event that you have looseness of the bowels. During pregnancy, the posture ought to be adjusted.

22. Rajakapotasana

Otherwise called - Pigeon Posture

How It Functions

The serious stretch of the legs, spine, and chest fortifies the hip muscles. In this asana, the whole body is toward the front, and the hip is the main organ that jumps out at the rear of your body. Consequently, it completely deals with your hip muscles.


Despite the fact that this asana is significant and convincing, it is ideal to do it under the oversight of a guaranteed teacher, particularly assuming you have tight thighs or hips.

23. Supta Baddha Konasana

Otherwise called - Leaned back Bound Point Posture

How It Functions

This asana is a hip opener and furthermore deals with the internal thighs. The difficult exercise of keeping the legs collapsed while staying the toes together invigorates the conditioning of the hip muscles. It is an exceptionally loosening up asana and deliveries strain in the hip and thigh muscles.

                    Killing yourself for hours in the gym isn’t the way to a better lifestyle                          

Shapeshifter Yoga


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